So, what exactly are nominations and how do they work? 




For some roles, such as Full-Time Officer (FTO) positions, all full members of the Students' Union (AKA. Lancaster University students) are eligible to nominate themselves for leadership positions in the Students' Union. 


However, in some instances, you must be registered, or identify, within a community within the student body. To be a candidate in the informal elections that take place for positions on societies executive comittees, you must be a paid-up member of the society. Similarly, in Michaelmas Term, you will only be able to nominate yourself for positions within your College. 


How Nominations are Submitted


Nominations in our elections are submitted by students on their own behalf via the Students' Union website. 


Each election has a period in-which nominations are accepted; we don't accept nominations after the deadline, and we don't accept them year-round. In this term's elections, all nominations for FTO positions are open from Monday 27th January to Friday 14th February 2025. 


Prospective candidates nominate themselves via In their nominations they must provide: their name, a photo, and a manifesto of up to 250 words. 


More guidance on how to submit a nomination can be found here