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Halton Trip 25/04/24

The plan is to paddle the River Lune at Halton (from the boat house). A perfect section for those new to white water or for people who just want to get out to practice their river skills. 

Just a short walk from town or a quick bus trip from the bus station if you live in town. We also have drivers on campus to give people lifts.


Boat House address: 

Former Halton Railway Station & Car Park, Unnamed Road, Lancaster LA2 9HQ

Please bring:

1. Swimwear
2. A thermal layer to wear under your wet-suit (any kind of synthetic top is fine, just not cotton)
3. A pair of shoes that you can get wet (please no crocks or flip-flops, an old pair of trainers is fine)
4. Spare clothes & towel - bring some warm clothes!

5. food/drink - snacks can go in someone's dry-bag or BA. Individually packed snacks like penguins are great

We'll be meeting at the boat house at 3pm to get kit sorted for everyone and we'll get on from there. We'll run the session until 5:30 as it'll start getting dark by then. :))

You will be assigned a driver or can make your own way there via a bus from Lancaster bus station (details about this can be shared if we need you to). If you are driven in you will have to pay for the fuel money - this will be added to the debt sheet. Details on how to pay off your debt can be provided at request.


Venue : Halton

Type: Freshers, Give It A Go, Society, Sport

Start Date: Thursday 25-04-2024 - 15:00

End date: Thursday 25-04-2024 - 18:00

Capacity: 8


Contact Details

Will Dove

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