Full-Time & Part-Time Officer elections


Lent Term brings with it more elections! This time it's for our six Full-Time Officers - the President and our five Vice-Presidents - and our six Part-Time Officers elected to represent you in a number of different areas.


Full-Time Officer elections


Full-Time Officer roles are full-time, paid jobs here in your students’ union. During your year in office, you’ll be a director and trustee of our multi-million pound charity, represent more than 14,000 student members to the university, community and government, and manage your own projects and events. There are six roles available, all with a salary of £19,612. 

Following recent changes to the team structure, Full-Time Officer roles for 2020-21 are:



All Full-Time Officers will:


  • Listen to and represent students to the university
  • Uphold and act on the union’s beliefs and policies
  • Run campaigns to deliver real change to students’ lives
  • Collaborate with students to make the union and university an equal, diverse and inclusive place to live and study
  • Support and champion the work of the colleges and hundreds of student volunteers


Any current student studying at Lancaster University campus can nominate themselves to run for a Full-Time Officer position. 

Submit your nomination


Part-Time Officers


We also elect our Part-Time Officers in Lent Term, and they start their time in office at the start of the summer vacation alongside our Full-Time Officer team.

These are voluntary roles, representing students on a variety of issues. Roles are:

  • International Students' Officer
  • Women+ Officer
  • LGBTQ+ Students' Officer
  • BME Students' Officer
  • Mature Students' Officer
  • Students with Disabilities Officer


Any current student studying at Lancaster University campus can nominate themselves to run for a Part-Time Officer position at lancastersu.co.uk/nominations

Candidates must self-define as a member of the group they are running to represent.

Submit your nomination




All Lancaster University students can vote and have a say on who represents you and leads your students' union! It's really quick and easy - just log in using your university login and password, head to lancastersu.co.uk/vote and cast your vote.

Here at Lancaster University Student's Union, we use the single transferable voting method. This means that you don't just vote for your favourite candidate, but you can let us know who is your second favourite, third favourite, and so on. Just put a '1' next to your favourite and rank them from there. Find out more about voting with our helpful video here.

Voting will take place in Week 8 at lancastersu.co.uk/vote

Alonside the Full-Time and Part-Time Officer positions, we will also be holding several by-elections for College JCRs. Please note Part-Time Officer roles are elected by self-defining electorates. 

How voting works

STV Voting Video on Vimeo.